- Derivative contracts -- State support in its present form is the first step towards Nationalization of banks. von Klaus-Peter Kolbatz 09/2008 |
We remember: West Germany and West Berlin had at the time of reunification of the rank of third largest economy nation and the West German Bundesbank had a gold reserve of about 3 400 tonnes, which is currently about 100 billion DM were worth, so that Chancellor Helmut Kohl for the ensuing Costs of reunification saw no problems. This excellent stand, the Federal Republic not only pointed techniques brand "Made in Germany" to owe, but also bank managers on their own and without government interference could act.
For all the resentment which is now running against the banks, we must also not forget that the state banks the raisins in the financing "Building East" weggeschnappt have healthy until then West German companies by this misguided fiscal policy went bankrupt or emigrated abroad in time and thus the private banks inevitably into other markets once had its own. (the system of the GDR State Bank is sincerely!)
The real problem with the current collapse of financial markets ahead, the financial speculators betting the derivatives, whose volume is far greater than the underlying stock values.
The real problem that nobody wants to talk, is the mass of liabilities from derivative contracts that are in the magnitude of quadrillion U.S. dollars exist.
According to data from the U.S. currency Oversight Office (OCC), on 30 June 2008 were published, were alone, the three largest U.S. banks (JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America and Citicorp) outstanding derivative contracts with a value of 179.4 trillion dollars at a fixed assets of only 5.6 trillion dollars.
According to the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) is the world's outstanding contracts at over 675 trillion dollars, but it should be too strong. John Hoefler of Executive Intelligence Review expects well over a trillion dollars; he writes: The efforts of Finance Minister Henry Paulson and his crash prevention teams are dashed because the biggest mountain of financial bets in world history about them collapses.
Even if their rescue packages now reached unprecedented extent, this is still tiny compared to the cancer tumor, which they want to save.
The driving force in all this is that global casino, which is called the derivatives market - a market that all mortgages, bond and equity markets of the world far into the shadows represents. While the mortgages, bonds and equities as a whole trillion sum, has the global derivatives market is worth quadrillion ... The total volume to accurately quantify, it is impossible - but it is very easy to say how much of these derivatives market is worth: zero. You could not get precise figures because the vast majority of derivative contracts and off completely unregulated traded.
Now destroyed the collapse of the derivatives market, the world financial system, and fight the speculators make their fictitious, profits by the biggest government bailout to save the history. It should be stressed that it is just an attempt to act, because all the money in the world is not enough to play all their money to pay for bets. And if the central banks tried to print this money, schüfe a bomb hyperinflationäre whose bursting not only the remnants of the financial system would sweep away, but also governments, economies and the existence of funds for a large part of the world. The hyperinflation would be the value of the dollar itself extinguish, and with it pensions, savings, bank balances, stock portfolios and other assets.
Households, businesses and governments would be ruined, so that even the states actually stopped to exist. This is only a rough sketch of the horrors that would occur if we consider this path.
Therefore, it is essential that the rescue attempts for the derivative bubble cease immediately. All derivative transactions should be declared null and void and from the books of the speculators should be deleted. Each financial instrument, which includes derivatives, should also be declared null and void and of the books should be deleted. You need this unregulated, crazy casino closed and all claims arising from derivatives cancel, as this would have never bet.
How the money fraud
The largest and most far-reaching economic scandal of our day finds currently being used by the manipulation of the monetary system instead. The money initially fraud has a global dimension because he plays the globe, no national government, therefore, more controlled, stopped or can be prevented, and because he even after the outdated national laws formally legally held. Certainly, however, is that the money like any other fraud, fraud is not a long-term enrichment of the perpetrators by the victims Entreicherung can lead because there is no free money on a permanent system can be abused.
After the financial theory is legalized money exchange, which is also intended to serve a store of value. The issue of money was therefore formerly state privilege (Münzhoheit). The money circulating as gold, silver and copper coins were embossed state. So the state guaranteed the purity of the metal and the weight of the coins, so that you not only domestically but also abroad anytime knew how much each coin was worth. Thus the metal coins were also a means of exchange value and duration.
But the state had to spend money, you have gold and silver. Therefore it was important that, for example silver mines were in state hands (Rammelsberg near Goslar), and in this way the government for the silver use extra Prägemünzen could. Conversely, the citizens knew that only the state could spend as much money as he had on precious metals. The precious metal stocks was the basis for the precious metal into orbit Natural money (gold currency).
Again and again, however, princes have tried to give more money than they had precious metal by the proportion of the precious metal in the Münzlegierungen reduced ( "tilt and wag"). The result was both that the merchants and citizens of the poor gave more money, good but retained until all the decision and knew the bad money again had to be melted. Gold currency in circulation, there were until the First World War.
Each gold currency in circulation, however, has the disadvantage that gold is not as strong Reproduced, as the economy grows, so that some deflationary monetary scarcity stronger economic growth could hinder. Therefore, many countries went to an indirect monetary gold over: They had a certain gold treasure and gave on this basis, State Bank notes in the daily use easier to transport, to count and also in higher totals were kept. Their value is based on the fact that the notes at any time at the central bank and submit appropriate in gold or silver could exchange (gold core currency). In this way the state could face even more money than he had available to precious metals, because usually there were only a few bank holders to exchange their notes in gold. So usually handed a volume of less than 10% Gold for volume of a currency by 90% higher banknote Quantity.
The system worked around the world, because countries who themselves had no gold treasure, the holders of its national bank notes a fixed exchange rate guaranteed to other currencies, which in turn had a golden heart. As long as these existed exchanged warranty, the citizens could be confident that they - albeit on double Exchange - the bank nominal values in Münzrealwerte could exchange (gold exchange currency), then had an at least indirect monetary value guarantee.
From state to private money
The crucial step away from state money was 1913 founding of the Federal Reserve System in the United States. Although the U.S. Constitution actually only gold and silver money may be legal, has a private banking cartel was founded under the leadership of the two major financial groups Rothschild and Rockefeller is a private central bank created with the law, private money, which was legal tender and for which Initially, the American central government guaranteed. In this private bank after the First World War, the gold reserves of the world zusammengekauft, with the result that many other currencies, their gold standard could no longer hold and deflation in the collapsed (the first Great Depression).
At the end of World War II was therefore in 1944 in Bretton Woods returns to the introduction of a new gold standard decided U.S. dollars. During World War II demanded the U.S. to pay for armaments gold of the warring nations. Even Germany had the gold as war booty to be. To have gathered more than 30,000 tonnes of gold in the world in the U.S. alone - more than all the others had. This gold served as cover for the dollar. However, since a greater share of dollars into the central banks of the world as a reserve currency has been kept, the United States could spend more dollars than they had in gold. The countries of the world namely dollars needed to buy raw materials to ensure that only U.S. dollars were traded. Besides the gold, therefore, the dollar was increasingly in the other central banks to the main reserve currency.
The dollar domination over the world had begun. 1971 announced, U.S. President Nixon mandatory redemption of the dollar into gold (in U.S. dollars standard) and also the liability of the state for the dollar. Since then, the dollar bills in real terms by neither gold nor covered by state, a free private currency of the Federal Reserve Bank (Fed). The dollar money and everything else in the world since then are no longer recoverable, but still printed, legalized payment paper.
A currency backed by nothing, although by law at the official exchange funds can be forced, but not at the middle of a store of value. This requires the confidence of money-holders that they their money long term wertgesichert see. The long-term value - the trust - a free quantity of currency in turn depends solely on the shortage of money or money from. The problem: While in the past 30 years, the amount of goods in the world only quadrupled, the money vervierzigfacht.
The German Finance had already at the Bundesbank founding a State independent neutral "fourth branch" for the Bundesbank demanded, so that the political pressures to resist the abuse of money could enable the citizens thus to the value of the money could leave. Indeed, the Bundesbank law to impairment of the D-Mark has been committed (Neutralgeldtheorem) and was largely independent state. This has led to the D-Mark as a stable currency in the world is increasingly the preferred currency and reserve asset was.
Most other states have a "quantity-oriented currency" is preferred. They pledged their central banks, the money to be guided by certain objectives such as growth, full employment or other. This gave the national policy sufficient possibilities to influence the central bank and the money and has regularly led to the political abuse of currencies corresponding Inflationierung led. (Example: France, Italy, Spain, etc.)
Most dictatorships in the under-developed
countries and the private Federal Reserve System on the other hand, preferred
a "free quantity of currency", ie a currency whose abuse by politics
or by private owners central bank was not legally restricted. Free quantity of
currency "has always" freedom to abuse the currency "means the
long term and never worked.
Above all, keep a welter of currencies, partly by an independent state bank in
its value will be kept - as the D-Mark - or dependent of the other state banks
or even from private banks after their respective ends freely manipulated to
significant price tensions: Because the Germans Mark by the Bundesbank
relatively stable value has been kept, other major currencies, by contrast,
money supply and inflation propagating increasingly wertminderten (devaluation),
try the monetary value of owner naturally, with their long-term disposition in
hard currencies to go soft and to avoid them.
It was the German mark in competition with the dollar increasingly also reserve currency of the economy and central banks in the world. Above all, however, was at the "hard" currencies much, as a permanent soft money propagating the inflationierten private or state currencies had made. The stability of the monetary value of the Bundesbank was so committed to the common interference in the chorus of Geldmengenvermehrer and Inflationisten of the world monetary system - no wonder that this interference by abolishing the Deutsche Mark and re-integration into a more driven by politics, no longer sovereign European Central Bank had to be turned off. Kohl has ensured that this "small circles" it was decided that the German population about the loss of their valuable currency is not allowed to vote ( "Where we come out if the population about such important things should decide for itself?"). The population would never voluntarily solid D-Mark sacrificed.
Meanwhile, there is no currency in the world, nor any real value basis, has the money in the world from any underlying asset resolved, it will act as the paper re-printed by constant and constantly propagating the country. That people still believe that paper money, which they have in their hands, have a fixed value, is that through skillful manipulation of exchange rates are a apparent value ratio is vorgespiegelt. These exchange rates are in fact exactly the same groups manipulated, which also produce the money propagation.
Has now practically by the large U.S. financial and driven them belonging to private Federal Reserve System World-money importance:
The FED private money dollar is already in the money in her dominating the world. More than 75% of all Geldquantitäten are dollars.
The U.S. financial capital has also controlled by them, forcing commodity markets, only to sell in dollars. Who's not against oil worthless dollar, but against the euro wants to sell, the terrorists will declare that (Saddam).
Even the central banks of other countries will be forced to the dollar in more and more mass (euro bank over 90%) as their currency reserves to. The other currencies such as euro, so based on their value to over 90% to worthless, just by the power and the will of the large U.S. dollar-denominated financial instruments held.
Meanwhile, even the national banks gently or hard (Switzerland) urged its gold reserves against dollar or to "borrow". The gold of the world has thus again like before the first world economic crisis when the owners of the Federal Reserve system is concentrated, so that a new gold standard only with their will and according to their dictates and would reintroduce the FED owners with a revision in the price of gold (Greenspan: "Possibly up to 6000 dollars.") Solely by in the event of a currency reform a century of business would make.
The large U.S. financial controls so on their part FED ultimately the money and the currencies of the world. The dollar is private money that large U.S. financial, by anyone except its guarantees, but after forces abused, and increasingly become an instrument of their world domination and tools for the robbery of all major commodities and property of the World abused.
By unchecked proliferation of the dollar has of course the issuer large U.S. financial unlimited cash with which the whole world can buy. But the American government may, by propagating the dollar spend more than it takes (debt cavalry). Abuse of the dollar by propagating money is thus for prevailing U.S. Treasury as well as for those it has dominated U.S. administration unilateral advantage. That is, the dollar volume in the last 10 years, ever increasingly faster.
Similarly, the debt of the American government against the foreign drastically increased. The U.S. government is therefore an ever greater extent by the World property worthless against bogus Chen deliver - the modern form of tribute.
That these U.S. dollars unchecked proliferation is not long the dollar to crash and rejection of the dollar by the customers, is clever directing and extortion due to the large U.S. financial and the U.S. administration has been forced economically and politically the most important central banks in the world (Euro bank Japan, China and others) that they are for export earnings or sales prices for the purchase of property ansammelnden worthless dollars to retain and allegedly valuable foreign exchange reserve to keep. Practically, this means: The central banks in China, Japan and Europe gather for the asset deliveries of its citizens incoming worthless dollars in ever larger stocks as allegedly valuable currency reserve of. The currency of the satellite states will be and is already with increasingly worthless dollars background - that is virtually worthless just become. Therefore, all monetary devaluation in the same boat:
The authorship of the money propagating in New York and Washington as well as the helper of the money in propagating the central banks of the satellite states.
But the debtor has U.S. itself in the hand, how strongly it through official devaluation of the dollar finally his creditors entreichern - cheat - and at their expense wants to apologize again. Any devaluation of the dollar is primarily the 80% of all dollar-holding entreichern abroad. The debtor is free, how strong he devalue its debts and thus wants to defraud his creditors.
The audience is now, however, with rigged prices and stabilization suggests that abused currencies and the unscrupulous money had increased still a solid market value.
Would the money owners know that they are actually only paper value in the hands, but everything else by the manipulations, the misuses of power and the purpose of the large U.S. financial depends
- Would be the velocity of money because of
rejection of the money will increase more,
- Would escape into the use of property,
- And thus a dramatically rising inflation galloping to begin
- Would have long happened devaluation of the monetary value of assets of
citizens (paper money, bonds, funds and others) in a second stock market crash
and dissolve collapse and would all sectors of the financial industry and
financial processes under liability because of the devaluation of collapse, so
that a currency reform is inevitable.
Nor is the illusion of monetary value, despite dramatic devaluation by the coercive legal tender artificially maintained. Beneficiaries of this system are not only the large U.S. Finance, which by their Fed always inhibition U.S. dollars bulk quantities into the world hunts, but this game co central banks, such as the Euro Bank, the Bank of Japan and others. The CEOs of these banks know exactly how worthless the dollar is now, but still support the illusion of legal tender function of the dollar, even for political reasons, silenced and their own currency almost exclusively with worthless dollars in its currency reserve background, so their currency virtually also made worthless. A currency reform would come, would, for example, the euro bank without values there. The gold - the German gold - is believed to only as a mere legal blame restitution claim exists, but no longer than real gold. It is often alleged natura liter to the private Federal Reserve Bank and this lent further, so the collapse no longer palpable. The system lives that abuse is not discussed and is not published.
The fact 1: The major currencies in the world are increasingly been unscrupulously and stand on feet of clay so that their currencies (dollar, euro, yen and others) no real value storage function for the citizens more.
Fact 2: The function of the currency exchange is only through manipulation and deception over an alleged - but not actual - market value artificially maintained and is no longer true.
The fact 3: The private money (dollars) of the U.S. financial capital has long ties to all property (gold) or a monetary commitment free, not only has its value storage function is lost, but also deceives the world only through global price manipulation on an apparent value of the swap unbridled proliferation devalued by private money. Only through this deception and the power of the U.S. financial capital is still artificially "confidence" in the world in the dollar suggests. Knew the market participants, however, that they are consistent with the nominal value of the bank just a worthless promise value of private people have in their hands, which no longer trusting that their power continuously, the value of money to manipulate, abuse, it would also undermine confidence in these Private U.S. dollars currency collapse.
With the money as it is with the shares. Even the most shares are no substance values, but values only hope. Who in the big block of shares bull believed to have won a lot, when shares crash was taught about, except that the share value of the paper just hope contributes, but can easily wane. Gain or loss in the stock market game are pure values of hope, not property. Similarly, it is with the money. The sole asset is the value of the paper. Everything else is hope value in reliance on the corrupt, but most of the world financial powers.
With phony money, property
If market participants know that our monetary system ultimately money on private dollars and this money without any value relating solely to the manipulation and abuse wishes of the great Finanzoligarchie depends, then the people would trust their currency lose their money no more than a store of value, but the ongoing devaluation of money by fleeing into the property, trying to escape.
Exactly do the Fed standing behind the perpetrators of the biggest money propagation of all time: you always buy with the money to become worthless for decades all property at which they can still catch: commodity warehouses, industrial complexes, real estate and any reasonably intact foreign corporation in a friendly or hostile Transfer to almost any price. And not just the large U.S. financial collects the property of the world, but also the U.S. government for imported Fiat Money (printed, actually worthless money) for years more assets from the world than he can pay, and is indebted to act in Abroad - as long as the foreign creditors or the value of the dollar or by political think extortion be forced to lazy dollars in their currency reserves to.
With property monopolies
The Fed standing behind the large financial In this way, through targeted asset policy entire market segments with its lazy bought up dollars and market monopolies or oligopolies developed: diamonds, gold, copper, zinc, uranium, telecommunications, Gasfaserleitungsnetze, print and television media, Food (Nestle, Coca-Cola), large parts of the defense industry and aviation, etc.
Currently runs a Monopolisierungsversuch with the help of gene manipulation. GM animals and plants are themselves infertile. If you have the genetic manipulation of coverage can enforce, all farmers a company with a patent monopoly on the gene-seed to its monopoly fixed price to buy, they can no longer herself harvested grain seed use.
Another Monopolisierungsspiel currently runs on the sugar market: The EU's sugar market regime governed by its own to sugar beet farmers to maintain production, which for many of them is vital. The beet sugar but is more expensive than in the tropical sugar cane growing in the U.S. cartel. The large U.S. financial group firms Nestle and Coca-Cola now require together with her dependents, scientists and politicians a "liberalization of the sugar market and operate it on the international fora (GATT, Mercosur). Once such liberalization is enforced, the possibility of more expensive beet sugar cane against the cheaper no longer hold, cut the European sugar production, and finally the sugar market - initially cheaper, but afterward more expensive - by the U.S. major financial dominated cartel flooded cane.
Criminal methods by which the large U.S. financial sectors are all getting into their hands, shows the case Primacom: This cable operators operate highly lucrative, but longer in sight of the large U.S. financial (telecommunications monopoly). This has therefore only the Board of Primacom and then undermined this Board with a loan more than 30% annual interest imposed so that the really good operating company because of the interest expense and difficulty in the view of the U.S. bank "now cheapest übernahmereif" was. The game goes straight into the final round.
A similar game, the emissary of the large U.S. financial Ron Sommer of Deutsche Telekom tried. The large U.S. financial collects all telecommunications companies in order to monopolize the world. The emissary summer has meant a small U.S. firm for the telecom dreißigfachen Price (30 billion U.S. dollars) from the large U.S. financial purchased so that they own assets from Deutsche Telekom could buy this. The second step was the telecom stocks cheap to make, so that the U.S. investor they got cheap. In this game, however, Ron Sommer on its borders gone and failed. This is but the large U.S. financial in its takeover plans only set back, not hinder. Privatization and purchase of Telecom go to plan.
A similar game takes place on the world energy market in Germany, apparently with EON and RWE, the large U.S. financial already own stewards in the takeover candidates for the key banks and bureaux has been posted. In 20 years, the large U.S. financial also the water in the world - according to its representative Brzezinski - have monopolized.
With property for currency reform
It indicates the road map of the world major financial correct, so should the money so long and increasingly devalued be important to ensure that all the world bought up property and have been monopolized. The financial capital is wise enough to know that their money is not propagating remain undetected and eventually confidence in the inflationierten U.S. dollars dwindles. An outbreak of the crisis of confidence is now dominated, creeping inflation galloping to open inflation, which inevitably in a currency reform must result.
But this is precisely the advantage of both the large financial as well as the United States:
The major financial, with the lazy dollars previously purchased enough property, is then multiplied by the monetary reform with their property is no longer affected by the disaster, in time from the lazy money in assets shifted its value. As in many areas now reached world monopoly positions, they can even the world at any time with monopoly prices on special levies assistants. Not more taxes are the income of world rulers, but monopoly profits. Nobody can prevent major financial, prices for gold, diamonds, copper, zinc, iron ore, water, seeds or energy to 10, 20 or 30%, and in this way the whole world to special charges taken. Never before has such a financial power of the world, yet she was never responsible for the overall population of the world so dangerous.
Listigerweise the large U.S. financial lazy the dollar mainly brought abroad. More than three-fourths of the total dollar holdings are no longer in the U.S., but when the creditor countries of the United States. The U.S. has itself in recent years increasingly stronger against the foreign debt. The International has delivered goods (property), but get worthless dollars. All central banks are filled with lazy dollars. This will now be suddenly devalued, the damage to take more than three-quarters of the central banks, banks, governments and market participants outside the United States. Then rächt ensure that the European central banks against their gold lame dollars and is always in favor of exclusive Fiat Money as a base (currency reserve) for its own currency, for example, yen or euro, have used. So the currency breaks U.S. dollars together, are necessarily the satellite currencies collapse, whose only basis, a stock of dollars is lazy. In other words, the emerging currency reform of the dollar inevitably attracts a world currency reform after all the currencies in which the lazy U.S. dollars now represents the main reserve currency.
But that each stop propagating a private money - the dollar - by the large U.S. financial belonging to the Federal Reserve Bank of weakening dollar to ever greater inflation and eventually lead to currency reform must be financially Basic scientific and should not even Greenspan and his accomplices doubtful be.
Through monetary reform to the World Currency
Greenspan, in a speech unvorsichtigerweise said that "probably by 2007 a general dollar correction is called for and that you then usefully to the dollar and the euro on the 'euro-dollar' a new world currency could unite." This makes from the perspective of the large U.S. financial sense, because until 2007 the dollar abuses extent yet, until then expected to exceed the confidence of the world in this growing uncontrollably, became increasingly worthless and only private currency artificially maintained the large U.S. financial hold. So is anything in the near future with the dollar happened. Would then the dollar with the euro single currency to the world, would thus for the large U.S. financial reached important goals:
A new currency offers the possibility of the old currency devaluation and debt to creditors who still have old currency, according to entreichern. If just a new euro-dollar 20 old dollars or 15 euros is worth, the old currencies are devalued accordingly, the creditor in the old currency entreichert, has the game for the private Geldausgeber worthwhile.
Above all, would allow the U.S. government also
entschuldet: His current foreign debt of 5200 billion U.S. dollars would be
50% devaluation he just 2600 billion-dollars.
Injured, all holders of dollar-old, whose holdings by 50% or even 90% devalued.
This is particularly true for the central banks of China, Japan and Europe
with their high dollar currency reserves.
The main objective of the U.S. financial capital, however, is to create a world currency at reach, about which they turn themselves prevail. In a euro-dollar system would necessarily that of the large U.S. financial-owned Federal Reserve System have a majority, so the U.S. will also finance large majority of the new currency control system. This chosen is the BIS (Bank for International Settlements), a private organization, whose shares are already the majority of large U.S. financial secretly been bought up.
So would the new BIS central bank in the euro-dollar currency, are again coincidentally the same private owners main owner of this new Central Bank, which previously were owners of the FED. You could then play the same free cash after its own liking, it to the Federal Reserve System so far make it back to a higher level - and that even with currency reform entschuldet - re-operate. The previous world-propagating money, the big money then go fraud in the currency reform. A new system would make the old offenders back a new currency in the hands and play them so that the new game with the world currency, the euro-dollar from 20 to 30 more years permit.
The U.S. would have major financial So in this way by money fraud not only the property of the world is monopolized - including such important areas as viable seed, food, water, energy and metals, but also turn a monopoly currency for its own use, according to its own liking created - A cash machine as the propagation Dukatenesel in fairy tales.
Even with publication of this money is not a fraud system outcry by the world go. It is considered a "conspiracy theory" or "anti-Americanism" or even as "anti-Semitism" (Rothschild) or dismiss such publications all over trying to avoid, because after all belong to the large U.S. financial also essential parts of the screen and print media throughout the world.
To understand the game is important for people affected by this game could suffer losses. So if financial assets, you should listen or read.
Losers in the great game of the Finanzoligarchie are those market participants in the world, what the money too much trust, which still believe that money on its function beyond mere exchange also had a store of value. The ongoing monetary devaluation of the past 40 years, people do not seem wise made. They will in the coming years, galloping to the bitter end because they are in fact a unilateral advantage of the perpetrator is. So if you are on long-term value of its assets value, can not in monetary terms, not in insurance contracts, not in pensions and not remain in cash, property, he must go, as the major financial Provided itself has.
Strategy goal of the World-money fraud
Insofar as her recognizable from the outside, the large U.S. financial originally had only the goal, the U.S. currency and thus to dominate the U.S. market at will manipulate them. This goal has served the private central banking system FED. As U.S. President Kennedy had introduced a bill that private financial system to nationalize, he died a sudden death. Whoever private money to these possibilities of large U.S. financial stirred, it lost property or lives.
Meanwhile, however, are the strategic goals of the U.S. financial capital on the national dimension far outgrown. Their goal is the global private money system, with the supremacy of their private dollars and its enforcement as the main reserve currency anywhere in the world and have largely achieved only with a world currency - euro-dollar - formalize them.
So if we abuse of a second World-money system in favor of large private financial groups and even the misuse of the money to prevent currencies, each currency against any public or private abuse, before any deflation and inflation manipulation secured.
That is certainly not achievable, if the currency of large private financial leaves. They will abuse the opportunity to use again and again for its own benefit with money propagating the World defraud and exploit.
Experience has also shown that most governments are abusing their currencies as well, if they have the ability to, if they so influence on the central bank and its monetary policy.
It is therefore, from the abuses of public and private hands major currencies as financial regardless of the fact that private and public abuse be excluded.
Certainly is a gold-based currency is not so easy to manipulate as a mere quantity of currency. The problems of each currency based on gold but lie in the availability of gold, after the large U.S. financial part of the largest in Weltgoldvorrates got their hands. So you would with any kind of a gold-based currency again winners and exploiters can be.
Therefore remains the only solution to a quantity of currency. These currency quantity but not free to arbitrarily determined, but must be connected to the neutral monetary goal line. The money should not grow more than the amount of goods. From the monetary sector may not recover inflationary or deflationary effects on currencies and expect the world economy.
This is only strictly neutral and independent central banks achievable, that they like the "fourth force", not in private hands and not by governments may be affected. The Urmodell the Bundesbank before their castration in the Euro-bank independence that came very close.
The coming currency reform offers a unique opportunity for the perpetrators, their currency manipulation and its abuses to brand and thus a general consent to a public neither of the major private financial nor the governments of more beeinflussbares central bank system. This would be a century opportunity.
Could prevent an independent central banking system mainly by large financial, what about you already owned BIS already paved the way for a new takeover of the next central banks and monetary system has made. Therefore doing reconnaissance distress to the population, economy and politics the danger of monopoly capitalism, not only for the current currency, but also for a new monetary system show.